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About Hallmark

The Hallmark stud was started with half of the Cricklewood herd. This is an historic east coast stud with over 80 years of breeding. A strong emphasis on quality cattle with hill country fundamentals has always been the objective. In 2017 the complementary Heather Dell herd at Rotorua was purchased, to take Hallmark to a total of 170 calving females and to provide yearling bull options. The inclusion of the historic Waiterenui Angus Stud in 2022 will jump the herd to over 500 calving females. Putting it amongst the largest, highly recorded stud herds in the country.


Max Tweedie and his fiancé Lucy McLean run the stud along with the assistance of their hard-working crew and family.

The objectives of the stud are to produce strong, low fuss, correct, fleshy cattle stacked full of type and performance. A key emphasis on the maternal attributes of the cow is central to our mantra with consideration of finishing players down the line. We like to challenge our cows – to see the cream rise and to remove the poor performers, but we also believe in presenting our bulls properly to show you a glimpse of what their calves will do.


The stud is run across Mokara and Pa Hill farms in Tutira. Totalling 990 ha of medium to steep pumice hill country, with some cultivatable land for fodder crops. They are excellent properties for wintering cattle and for the running of cows and calves – due to the light soils and the balance of hill country, with plenty of sheep run underneath.


Bulls are sold on farm in June - for 2-year-olds and again in September for yearling sires.


We love visitors and enquiry, please do get in touch.


Max Tweedie and Family,

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